When |
Tue/Thu 13:10-14:30 |
Where |
Pierce Lower Level |
Who |
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Explain the behavior of working C++ code.
Identify and correct simple problems in non-working C++ code.
Recognize and describe common C++ algorithms, data structures, and elements of program style and structure.
Design and implement solutions to simple problems using C++.
Recognize and assess the role that algorithms play in the modern world.
Advice for Success
When programming, taking breaks is very important.
Avoid sitting for long stretches. Remember to breath, drink water, and walk around occasionally.
When you are stuck, take a break and do something else.
Sleep on it. Problems often look easy after a you’ve slept on (and sometimes dreampt about) them.
Try to avoid working while angry / upset.
Talk it over with a friend or classmate.
Explain what you are trying to accomplish.
Describe the steps you’ve taken so far.
Draw a picture.
Use pencil/paper or a whiteboard.
Make diagrams, lists, or flowcharts.
Spend some time learning about your text editor
Look at syntax highlighting
Learn a few keyboard shortcuts
Learn to use search-and-replace
I consider any grade >= B a success in this class. I want all students to succeed. Please let me know what your goals for this class are, and how I can help you acheive them.
Attendance |
10% |
Code Lab |
20% |
Written Labs |
40% |
Midterm Exam |
15% |
Final Exam |
15% |
All scheduling information, including office hours, homework assignments and due dates, and exams will be announced via the course website: https://kenyoncodes.gitlab.com/scmp118.
Please see Textbooks for more information.
Email is the best way to contact me with questions or concerns. Feel free to email me any time. I will try to respond within 24 hours (typically less).
Please email me any scheduling requests and/or issues, even if you discussed them with me in person.
Office Hours
I strongly encourage students visit office hours at least twice per semester. Times and locations are listed on the class website. Please email me if your schedule conflicts with available office hours.
Unless otherwise stated, all homework is before class on the due day. Late work is not accepted without prior arrangement (>24 hours before due date). Please email me ASAP to discuss scheduling conflicts, illness, etc.
A personal computer is not required for this class, and all necessary software is installed on campus computers.
You may find a personal computer helpful in this class.
We will use the NetBeans IDE, a C++ compiler, and a web browser throughout this class (see Course Tools for more information). If you have any problems installing or configuring software, please contact me or the class tutor.
Course Policies
Attendence, Quizzes, and Classroom Etiquette
You are expected to attend class unless excused or ill. Arriving more than 10 minutes late will be counted as an absence. Excessive absences may result in expulsion from this course. If you are sick, please stay home and contact me ASAP.
Your attendence grade is based on completing weekly quizzes and in-class exercises. Quizzes will be scored for your benefit. However, the quiz score does not affect your grade.
I expect students to be actively engaged during class. During student discussion, please focus on the material. Please be respectful of other students.
Academic Honesty
At Kenyon we expect all students, at all times, to submit work that represents the highest standards of academic integrity. It is the responsibility of each student to learn and practice the proper ways of documenting and acknowledging those whose ideas and words they have drawn upon (see Academic Honesty and Questions of Plagiarism in the Course Catalog). Ignorance and carelessness are not excuses for academic dishonesty. If you are uncertain about the expectations for this class, please ask for clarification. Any work you submit for credit in this course must result directly from your own understanding, thoughts, and ideas. Presenting the work of others as your own is strictly prohibited. For more details, please see Kenyon’s policy on Academic Integrity in the Course Catalog.
In this course, you will frequently work with others. It is critically important that you A) acknowledge your collaborators in writing on each assignment, and B) submit your own written work. A good rule of thumb: share spoken material but not written material.
Accessibility and Accommodations
Students who anticipate they may need accommodations in this course because of the impact of a learning, physical, or psychological disability are encouraged to meet with me privately early in the semester to discuss their concerns. In addition, students must contact Erin Salva, Director of Student Accessibility and Support Services (740-427-5453 or salvae@kenyon.edu), as soon as possible, to verify their eligibility for reasonable academic accommodations.