Rover Instructions


The goal of rovers are two-fold:

  • To facilitate students' in-class experience, and help the instructor help students.

  • To observe student programming and gain mentoring experience.


  • Schedule: Rover Assignment Sheet

  • Rover duties are part of your attendance grade.

  • If you are unable to attend during your assigned class:

    • First attempt to trade with another student. If successful, please email me with the proposed change.

    • If you are unable to find a replacement, please email me ASAP.


  • No before-class preparation is required (this is intentional).

  • I briefly discuss the exercise with you before we begin.

    • At the end of class, I will ask you for feedback (time permitting).

  • Please circulate throughtout the classroom and ask students how they’re doing.

    • Please limit your discussions to classroom material.

    • When you encounter an issue where you can’t help, please check with me.

  • Relax!