6 Nov 2018: Comparing Objects


  • Spend approx 5 minutes reviewing and running the following code:

  • Create one Date object for each group member.

    • Each group member should pick a date of personal significance (birthday, etc.), and an associated object name.

  • Write a definition for the equals member function in Date.h.

  • Use your new member function to compare each object to the others.

  • Use the example code to write a definition for the greater member function.

  • Write a definition for the less member function that uses equals and greater.

  • BONUS Write a member function that returns true if the month and day match (i.e., check if the calendar day matches).

8 Nov 2018: Operators and Friend Functions


  • Spend approx 5 minutes running and reviewing the following code:

  • Fork (make a copy of) the above repl.it.

  • Add one cout statement inside each operator that prints out d1 (the first date).

  • Bonus Modify the definition of operator< in friend.h by adding or removing a single ! so that the program prints "Time Warp!"