25 Sep 2018
Pick an example function from LearnCpp 1.4a
Create an example program that uses your function
Test that it works
Modify your function
Add another argument that is used in the function body.
Give your function a new name.
Test that your changes work.
27 Sep 2018
Function Flow
In this code challenge, you will write a function, and use a loop to call your function repeatedly.
Create a function that takes numeric 2 arguments, one of which is an integer. Your function should:
compute something from its arguments,
print out the resulting computation,
and return nothing.
Use a
loop to call your function repeatedly across a range of input values.-
use the loop variable as one argument to your function
define a const variable outside of your loop, and use this variable as the other argument to your function
Verify that your program runs
Record your program’s output
Record your repl.it URL
Please submit your work by Fri at 5pm: